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1. Concepts like people subjective feeling
2. Literature review helps
all of above
3. approaches is usually used in quantitative research
detective approach
4. measurement of Reliability refers to the
accuracy of the scores
5. realities is observed through sensory experience are said to be
6. their introduction section of a research proposal contains information about all of the following
design of the study
7. which of the following is the reason for deception
All of above

8. which of the following is not included in the introduction section of a research proposal
9. set parameters to conduct a literature review includes
the maximum number of research reports you will examine
10. Context review help to
summarize what is known at a point in time
11. Which of the following represents a good qualitative problem statement
Conveys a sense of emergent design
12. If our research was today the use of various instructional approaches to the multiple intelligences of his students he is likely to be conducted in which type of research
13. which of the following is / are the basic feature of a theoretical framework
Make an Inventory of propositions
14. A Literature review is built on the assumption that
Both a and b
15. Which helps the researcher to capture the intensity of variable is called

16. Which of the following is also referred to as working definition
operational definition
17. Hypothesis refer to
a tentative statement about the relationship
18. all of the following are the basic research methods of data collection except
19. Which of the following is not a method of narrowing a topic
Pilot testing
20. research methods help in all of the following ways except
to avoid business
21. Research that seeks to determine the answer to who, what, where and how comes under the domain of…….. research
22. the definition of a behavioral factor to allow measurement of it is known as
an operational definition
23. The reviewed literature must be
relevant to the research project

24. The introduction section of a research proposal contains information about all of the following except
design of the study
25. A clear, precise, and succinct statement of the question are issued that is to be investigated with the goal of finding and answer our solution is called
problem statement
26. A system of systematically interrelated concepts definition and proposition that are
advanced to explain and Predict phenomena is known as
27. rationalism is the application of
logic and arguments
28. The detail of reference should include all except
volume, issue & page number
29. There is no relationship between advertising and sales of product A given hypothesis is
Null hypothesis
30. an operational definition is
A Definition of concept in term of specific empirical measures
31. There is no relationship between job satisfaction and the employees to Turnover rate in an example of which of the following Hypothesis
null hypothesis

32. operational define a concept involves a series of
33. identify the option that can be disadvantage of cross-sectional research
It is usually more costly and complex than longitudinal research
34. All of the following are purposes of descriptive research accept
the desire to know why
35. which among the following is type of applied research
impact assessment research
36. Why do you need to review the existing literature
All of the given options
37. Identify the term which is referred to as the conformation are dissertation of the observation through the scientific method by using sensory experience
38. Research study in which the unit of analysis remains same at specific interval over a longer period of time is known as
the series study
39. integrative review helps to
Summarizes what is known at a point in time

40. Which of the following tasks is not accomplished by the theoretical framework
Describes the nature and direction of the relationship among the variables
41. Higher the level of job satisfaction higher will be the employees performance which type of relationship the moment of variable determines
negative relationship
42. is the purpose explanatory research
the desire to know why
43. The most critical areas of an article to read are
methods and results
44. Apart from that deception is unethical what is the other important disadvantage of deceiving people
all of the given options
45. logical relationship among the factors identified in the literature review is called
Theoretical framework not confirm
46. The higher the motivation the higher the efficiency is an example of ……….hypothesis
explanatory hypothesis
47. scientific research focuses on which of the following
48. methodological review helps to
Place a scientific project in the big picture
49. The verifiable characteristics of scientific research deals with
the results replication

50. research in his questionnaire asked nature of business respondents are working in weather trade in one fracturing are servicing nature of business is likely to be measures on which type of following scales
nominal scale
51. which type of the following are considered essential steps of the research process
all of the above
52. the definition of a behavioral factor to allow measurement of it is known as
An operational definition
53. the term extrapolation is better explained by the statement
theory predict facts
54. An interval scale contains
a fixed amount of difference between categories
55. A Framework that plans the action of research project is known as
56. What does a researcher mean by empirical
observation through sensory experiences
57. The validity of a Measure refers to the
accuracy with which it measures the construct

58. Concepts created and developed for conducting any research study are
the building blocks of theory
59. Which of the following is not a technique to narrow down the broad problem area
Decide about the sample
60. which of the following is /are the basic features of our theoretical framework
all of above
61. Research that is done to examine the findings of someone else by using the some variables but with different respondent comes under which of the following
62. If the researchers use findings to generate theories and models to understand human behavior at societal level which of the following levels as it relates
micro level
63. Unethical activities may involve
all of the given options
64. What is the process of taken construct and refining it be giving conceptual or theoretical definition
65. how different theories address and issue comes under
theoretical review
66. Which of following statement is true
theory and Research are interrelated
67. Logical relationship among the factor identified in the literature review is called
none of the given option

68. Study conducted by Pepsi to find out impact of salary on employees turnover is studied at what level
Micro level
69. A researcher can organize a computerized search by
all of above
70. the operational definition is also known as
working definition
71. Which of the following is an example of abstract concept
72. in situations where respondents are are intentionally deceived they should be….. once the research is completed
73. introduction section of a research proposal contains information about
all of above
74. Which of the following best describes an operational definition
all of the given options
75. The total number of basic features that should be incorporated in theoretical framework
76. literature review helps the researchers to the findings of other people’s research
all of the above
77. Companies have the right to dissociate themselves from the sponsorship of a research project This type of confidentially called
Sponsorship non-disclosure
78. which of the following is a research strategy for locating literature review for a research project
all of the given options

79. null hypothesis state:
absence of relationship
80. Research can develop theoretical framework on the basis of
both a and b
81. Which of the following is /are the common sources of literature review
all of the above
82. Theory is full of all of the following options except
83. scientific research focuses on which of the following
84. While conducting a literature review the researcher engages in
an evaluation of the Literature
85. All of the following are considered the steps of research process except
problem definition
86. which of the following is not a feature of theoretical framework
presenting findings
87. descriptive research can be either
Both qualitative and quantitative
88. which of the following are considered essential step of research process
all of the above
89. While discussing about ethics in research which of the following is not considered as concerned party
90. meanings attached to a concept create problems of measurements
91. Which of the following best describe an operational definition
all of the given options
92. which of the following statement does best represent the purpose of research
An application of scientific methods to information collection and analysis
93. theoretical framework provides the logical base for developing
94. Which of the following is not a proper way to write a literature review
organize common findings are arguments together
95. Adoption of codes of behavior by a group of people is called
procedural norms

96. The scientific method is preferred over other ways of knowing because it is more
all of the given options
97. An Elementary or basic from of research in which little is known about the situation and previous theories or address do not apply is known as
exploratory study
98. The purpose of is to convince reviewer that the researcher is capable of conducting the proposed research project successfully
literature review
99. Verifiable characteristic of scientific research deals with all of the following except
the result interpretation
100. Which of the following best describes the concept of operationalizing
operationalizing Concepts involves making concepts measurable

101. Which of the following is not a purpose of literature review
help you in developing theoretical framework
102. Realities observed through sensor experience are said to be
103. The deterministic characteristic of scientific research deals with
all of the given option
104. What is the basis of scientific method
To formulate a research problem test hypothesis in carefully controlled condition that
challenge the hypothesis
105. Variable takes infinite number of values

106. an interval scale contains :
more than 3 points
107. Data Collection techniques include all except
108. What course of action should be adopted by the researcher and order to safeguard the rights of respondent
researcher should obtain informed consent from the respondent
109. What is ordinal data
110. All of these are characteristics of scientific method research except
111. To main processes used for measurement of concepts /variables in research are
conceptualization and operationalization
112. Which of the following is the search strategy for locating literature review for research project
all of the given option
113. Descriptive hypothesis contains
one or more variables
114. The primary source of communication among researchers is
none of the above
115. Details of reference should include all except
volume issue and page number
116. Null hypothesis States
Absence of relationship
117. A logical relationship between two or more variables Express in the form of table statement is known as
118. The introduction section of research proposal contains information about all of the following except
background of the study

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