CS304 Assignment 3 Solution 2023

CS304 Assignment 3 Solution 2023. Are you feeling overwhelmed with the CS304 assignment 3? Are you struggling to come up with a solution? Don’t worry, you are not alone. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to solve the CS304 assignment 3 for the year 2023.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding the Requirements
  • Analysing the Given Data
  • Creating the Database Schema
  • Designing the Tables
  • Normalizing the Database
  • Implementing the Solution
  • Writing the Queries
  • Testing the Solution
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


CS304 is a database management system course that focuses on teaching students how to design, implement, and manage databases. The course is known to be challenging, and students are required to complete assignments and projects that test their understanding of the course content.

Assignment 3 for the year 2023 requires students to design and implement a database for a small car rental company. Students are expected to create a database schema, design tables, normalize the database, and write queries to retrieve data.

In the following sections, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to solve the CS304 assignment 3 for the year 2023.

Understanding the Requirements

The first step in solving the CS304 assignment 3 is to understand the requirements. The assignment requires you to design and implement a database for a small car rental company. The database should store information about the cars, customers, and rentals.

You are required to create a database schema, design tables, normalize the database, and write queries to retrieve data. The database should be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Add a new car to the database
  • Update information about a car
  • Delete a car from the database
  • Add a new customer to the database
  • Update information about a customer
  • Delete a customer from the database
  • Rent a car to a customer
  • Return, a rented car
  • Generate a report of all rented cars

Analysing the Given Data

The next step is to analyse the given data. You should carefully read and understand the requirements and determine what data needs to be stored in the database.

The given data for the car rental company includes:

  • Cars: Make, Model, Year, Colour, Rental Price per Day, Available/Unavailable
  • Customers: First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address
  • Rentals: Rental ID, Car ID, Customer ID, Rental Start Date, Rental End Date, Total Rental Price

Creating the Database Schema

Once you have analysed the given data, the next step is to create a database schema. The database schema should include tables for cars, customers, and rentals.

The schema should also include relationships between the tables. For example, the rentals’ table should have foreign keys that reference the cars and customers tables.

Designing the Tables

After creating the database schema, the next step is to design the tables. The tables should be designed to store the data required by the assignment.

For example, the cars’ table should have columns for make, model, year, colour, rental price per day, and availability. The customers’ table should have columns for first name, last name, address, phone number, and email address.

Normalizing the Database

The next step is to normalize the database. Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity.

You should normalize the database to at least third normal form (3NF). This will ensure that the data is organized efficiently and there is no redundancy.

Implementing the Solution

The next step is to implement the solution. You will need to use a database management system (DBMS) to create the database, tables, and relationships.

You can use any DBMS that you are familiar with, such as MySQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server. Make sure that you follow the database schema and table designs that you created in the previous steps.

Writing the Queries

After implementing the solution, the next step is to write the queries. You should write queries that can perform the tasks required by the assignment.

For example, you should be able to retrieve all the cars that are available for rent, update the rental price of a car, or generate a report of all the rented cars.

Make sure that your queries are optimized for performance and efficiency. You should also test your queries to make sure that they are working correctly.

Testing the Solution

The final step is to test the solution. You should test the database, tables, and queries to ensure that they are working correctly.

You should test the database by adding new data, updating existing data, and deleting data. You should also test the queries by running them and verifying that they are returning the correct results.


In conclusion, solving the CS304 assignment 3 for the year 2023 can be a challenging task. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can design and implement a database for a small car rental company and write queries to retrieve data.

Remember to understand the requirements, analyze the given data, create a database schema, design tables, normalize the database, implement the solution, write the queries, and test the solution.


  1. What is CS304? CS304 is a database management system course that focuses on teaching students how to design, implement, and manage databases.
  2. What is assignment 3 for CS304 in 2023? Assignment 3 for CS304 in 2023 requires students to design and implement a database for a small car rental company.
  3. What data needs to be stored in the database for the car rental company? The database should store information about the cars, customers, and rentals.
  4. What is normalization? Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity.
  5. What should be tested in the final step of solving the CS304 assignment 3? The final step involves testing the database, tables, and queries to ensure that they are working correctly.

CS304 Assignment 3 Solution 2023