cs202 midterm solved papers by moaaz

cs202 midterm solved papers by moaaz

Overlapping Elements:
When elements are placed outside the normal flow, they can overlap with other objects. The zindex property specifies the stack layout of the item (which item should be placed in advance
of, or behind, other).
The item may have a good or bad stack order. See code below:
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
z: -1 index;
An item with the largest order is always ahead of an item with a low stack order.
CSS Float With the CSS float, the object can be pressed left or right, allowing other objects to fold around. Float is often used with photos, but it is also useful when working with buildings.

See also:


How Do Things Float?
Things are floating horizontally; this means that the object can only float left or right, not
up or down. The floating object will move as far left or right as possible. Usually this means everything

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the path to the left or right of the object containing.
Things behind the floating object will flow around it. Elements before floating
element will not be affected. If the image floats to the right, the next text flows around it, to
on the left. Try the code given below:
float: right;
Floating objects next to each other
If you place several floating objects in a row, they will float next to each other if they are present
Flip Disable – Explicit usage
Things behind the floating object will flow around it. To avoid this, use clear materials. The
clear assets specify which cases of other floating objects are not allowed.
43 Composers – CSS
A conjunction is something that describes the relationship between the chosen ones.
CSS Composers
CSS selector can contain more than one simple selection.