Edu304 gdb solution 2021

Edu304 gdb solution 2021

Edu304 gdb solution 2021:

Question statement: 

Being a teacher if a student of your class is involved in disruptive behaviour, how will you counsel this type of behaviour in your class room? Mention the strategies you will use to address those behaviours.


Being a teacher if a student of your class is involved in disruptive behavior, how will you counsel this type of behavior in your class room? Mention the strategies you will use to address those behaviors.


If any student is constantly acting up in classroom and nothing has worked, I will go out in the hall with that student and say, “Listen dear student, you are disrupting class which is not good for other students. There are many students in there who want to learn, but you are keeping them from it. I know you are just having a good time with other students, and I don’t think you are a bad student. It is just that you and I each have a job to do in classroom. While I am teaching, you need to be quiet and calm and I need to keep my focus. Now there is appropriate times for this type of behaviour, but in the middle of class or work time is not the time or the place. Now, let’s go back in the classroom and act like decent student to each other.”

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