CS611 ASSIGNMENT 2 SOLUTION 2023. Welcome to the solution for CS611 Assignment 2, 2023. This assignment aims to assess your understanding of computer networking concepts and their applications.

In the first section of the assignment, you were asked to analyze the performance of various transport layer protocols in different network scenarios. To do this, you needed to have a deep understanding of TCP, UDP, and SCTP protocols, their strengths, and limitations. Additionally, you were required to understand the impact of network delay, packet loss, and bandwidth on the performance of these protocols.

Moving on to the second section, you were asked to design a reliable file transfer protocol that is suitable for use in a wireless network. This required you to have a good understanding of the unique challenges of wireless networks, such as interference and signal attenuation. You were also expected to take into account the constraints of wireless devices, such as limited battery life and processing power.

Finally, in the last section of the assignment, you were asked to analyze the performance of a network using the ns-3 simulator. This required you to have a good understanding of the ns-3 simulator and its capabilities. You were expected to analyze the performance of the network using various metrics such as throughput, delay, and packet loss.

Overall, this assignment required a good understanding of computer networking concepts and their applications. It also required you to think critically and creatively when designing solutions to the problems presented. Good luck with your submission!


Solution will be available soon

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