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  • ENG101 Final Term Solved MCQs
  • 1. Classical school of management is concerned with….
    2. Modern school of management is about….
    3. According to……. theory every person is equally likely to be a good
    leader with proper training.


  • 4. According Leader uses this style by directly stating the decisions
    without asking…….
    • Heads
    • President
    the team members
    • colleagues
    5. Good leaders use all ……styles, depending on what forces are involved
    between the followers, the leaders and the situation.
  • 5

6. These contingency theories of leadership also known as ….. theories of
7. A leadership attribute that is universally liked is being…………


8. ……….. theories deal with behaviour of leaders.
cognitive resource
9. TL (Transformational leadership) helps in setting clear and
adequately high performance standards for schools and teachers and Emphasizes too much of……………
• Lethargy
• Procrastination
• ill-discipline
10. When the leadership continuum becomes subordinate-centered.
Manager permit subordinate to make decision
Manager gets suggestions
Manager invites questions Manager shares decisions
11. Great leaders were often from the aristocracy, as few from lower classes
had the opportunity to lead.
Lower class , aristocracy
Commoners, masses
Aristocracy, lower class
Masses, aristocracy
12. Bass argues that leaders can and should be both transactional and
transformational and that a combination of these two is the most successful kind.


13. Transactional leadership is based on the premise that people are motivated by
reward and punishment.
14. ……..appears last in the list of key leadership traits, but is extremely important.
Analytical skill
Communication skill
Ability to listen

15. Selling the vision involves
a. Creating an inspiring vision of future
b. Conducting an analysis of the environment
c. Understanding values of the followers
d. Appealing to follower’s values
16. EI is the best predictor for leadership
a. Emotional intelligence
b. Technical skills
c. Intelligence quotient
d. threshold
17. In paternalistic style leaders act as a father figure.
a. Public
b. Mother
c. Father
d. Brother
18. To prompt Idealized influence, transformational leader has to ….
a. Interact positively with the followers
b. Provide conductive environment
c. Acts as strong role model
d. Stimulate followers to be creative and innovative


Educational Leadership and Management (EDU 602) 2020

19. A democratic leader is ……
a. Autocratic
b. Consultative
c. Despotic
d. Dictatorial

20. Honesty is regarded to be the …… highest skill required as a leadership
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. forth
21. A vision is of no use on its own: it needs to become reality
a. Become mission
b. Become known
c. Become identified
d. Become reality

22. Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1958) identified three forces that led to the
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. four
23. can be achieved through transformational leadership
a. Organization’s expansion
b. Educational reforms
c. Multiple objectives
d. Effective budgeting
24. Burns (1978) was the first who identifies the transformational leadership.
a. Bass

b. Bennis
c. Burns
d. Byzel
25. Given the flaws of early state studies, researchers turned to examining
the actions, behaviours or that separated the effective leaders from
ineffective leaders.
a. History
b. Behaviours
c. Events
d. Genetics

26. Kurt Lewin and his co researchers developed a leadership framework
based on three different styles of leadership.( Autocratic or
Authoritarian, Democratic or Participative, Laissez Fair or Delegative)
27. In transformational decision making the decision reflects on the
common good but not the individual good.
a. Individual
b. Organizational
c. Common
d. managerial
28. A school with transformational leading teachers provides inspiration and
motivation to the students to express creative behaviour.
a. Mutual trust
b. Clear vision
c. Hope for future
d. Creative behaviour
29 A leadership style is a leader’s style of providing direction,
implementing plans and motivating people.
a. Education
b. Direction
c. Prescription
d. Solution
30 The leader’s ability to lead is contingent upon various situational
factors, including the leader’s preferred style, the capabilities and
behaviours of followers and also various others situational factors.
a. Qualification
b. Education
c. Preferred style
d. Choices

31 Democrative leadership improves the sharing of experiences and ideas
within the business.
a. Expectations
b. Needs

c. Ideas
d. Objectives
32 identity key leadership traits, and rate the ability to motivate people
as…. Among the skills required
a. Highest
b. Second highest
c. third highest
d. lowest
33 In … style the leader does not take the advice of his employee.
a. Paternalistic
b. Democratic
c. Laissez-fair
d. Autocratic

34 The leader allows free reign to the employees and let them make decisions.
a. Paternalistic
b. autocratic
c. Democratic
d. Laissez-fair
35 Human resource development is an essential part of business
acumen of a transformational leader.
a. Budget formulation
b. Strategic planning
c. Human resource development
d. Strategy formulation
36 Brymen (1992) splits leadership research into four phases.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
37 Leadership need vision in
a. Style
b. Contingency
c. Trait
d. New leadership
38 Transcendent leadership identifies…
a. Need to act openly
b. Potential future leader
c. Workforce dynamics
d. Elements of motivation
39 A commitment to the …. Of the organization is the critical feature of
Transformational leadership for bringing revolutionary change in the organization
a. Strategic plan

b. Mission
c. Vision
d. Objectives

40 Theories relate to leadership in the context of specific situations.
a. Situational
b. Functional
c. Integrated
d. Contingency
40. Democratic Leader Involves the groups in decision making
a. Dictatorial
b. Democratic
c. Laissez-faire
d. Autocratic

41. Transactional leader works through creating well defined structures and
makes it clear as to what is required of their subordinates and the reward
what they get for following orders.
a. Colleagues
b. Government
c. Followers
42. Leaders who are very effective at one place and time may become
unsuccessful either when transplanted to another situation or when the
factors around them change.
a. Operational
b. Unsuccessful
c. Effective
d. Active

43. Behavioural theories of leadership do not seek inborn traits, rather they
look at what leaders actually do.
a. Say
b. Preach
c. Claim
d. Do

44. Three major theories have emerged from a range of views on leadership
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

45. A skilled team is created when people are helped by…..
a. Providing solution when needed
b. Keeping them engaged
c. Communication vision
d. Letting them find their own solution

46. Researchers therefore turned to examine how leadership is affected as
the situation varies.
a. Location
b. Position
c. Situation
d. station
47. Using a delegative style with a worker who knows more about the job
than you. You cannot do everything and the employees need to take
ownership of her job! In addition this allows you to be more productive.


48. Laissez-faire style is not ideal in situations where group members lack the
knowledge or the experience they need to complete tasks and make
a. Courage
b. Knowledge
c. Capability
d. Urge
49. An autocratic leader uses this because there is not enough time and the
members ran out of ideas.
a. Money
b. Motivation
c. Time
d. drive
50. Trait theory holds that a leader must have certain inherent, innate qualities.
51. The ….leader includes one or more employees in the decision making
process, but
retains the final decision maki8ng authority.
a. Laissez-faire

b. Autocratic
c. Democratic
d. Paternalistic

52. Laissez-faire Leader Give the group full freedom.
a. Laissez-faire
b. Democratic
c. Autocratic
d. Dictatorial

53. Inspirational motivation can be achieved by transformational leaders by…
a. Stimulating followers
b. Providing support
c. Interactive environment
d. Communicating high expectation
54. A leadership attribute that is universally disliked is being..
a. Decisive
b. Dependable
c. Subdued
d. dictatorial

55. Trait theory and behaviorism both see leadership as an objective set of
qualities or actions that must be mastered.
a. Learned
b. Mastered
c. Acquired
d. owned
56. Transparent leadership ….
a. Envisions future clearly
b. Treats people equally
c. Puts people at ease

d. Acts ethically
57. The leader knows the problem, but does not have all the
information, uses a participative style with a team of workers
who know their jobs
a. Autocratic
b. Authoritative
c. participative
d. democratic

58. Laissez-faire or lais-ser faire) is a French word and stands for non-
interference in the affairs of the others.
a. Interference
b. Interruption
c. Non-interference
d. infiltration
59. transformational leadership enables to achieve higher levels of staff
development by training teachers to take the leadership in more…. Ways

a. practical and realistic
b. creative and innovative
c. supportive and helpful
d. demonstrative and open
60. A democratic leader is
a. Autocratic
b. Consultative
c. Despotic
d. Dictatorial

61. Leadership is affected by the situation in .. approach
a. Contingency
b. New leadership
c. Trait

d. Style
62. Focuses on the basic management process of controlling, organizing
and short term planning.
a. Transactional
b. Laissez-faire
c. Democratic
d. autocratic
63. Transformational leadership is needed in educational institution on which
a moral foundation of legitimate values must rest
64. Transformational leadership empowers
a. Group networking
b. Professional development
c. Followers interaction
d. Team dynamics
65. Delivery of vision demands management by
a. Motivating people
b. Staying ahead of event
c. Walking around
d. Clear headedness
66. Processing Phase: determine alternatives & evaluate for best option
a. Processing phase
b. Creativity
c. Problem solving
67. The individual’s thinking patterns based on his/ her observations and
conclusions that may sometimes lead to false assumptions, wrong judgments, and faulty reasoning.
a. Cognitive biases
b. Past experience
c. Contingent decision
d. None of the above
68. Group decision are also known as…..
a. Consensus
b. Planning
c. Authority
d. All of above
69. The plan that directly support implementation of strategic plans are
called…… plan
a. Strategic
b. Tactical

c. Operational
d. multilevel

70. A specific result to be achieved; the end result of a plan.
a. Goal
b. Plan
c. Administration
d. Action
71. Decision Involves certainty and assurance of the initial results before a final
decision is made.
a. Reversible
b. Conditional
c. Trial and error
d. Experimental decision
72. Plans are usually developed at three levels (Strategic, Tactical,
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
73. The process of setting goals and courses of action, developing rules and
procedures, and forecasting future outcomes.
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Controlling
d. Influencing
74. The behavioural management theory is also known as the human
relations movement because it addresses the human dimension of work.
a. Social
b. Behaviroural

c. Human
d. Physiological

75. An effective mission emphasizes innovation and improvement in
providing learning for all – students and educators of all backgrounds.
a. Innovation
b. Expansion
c. Elaboration
d. Motivation
76. A leader who uses fear and threats to get the jobs done – bossy.
a. Paternalistic
b. Laissez-faire
c. Democratic
d. Autocratic
77. Hawthorne effects state that Workers care about self-fulfilment,
autonomy, empowerment, social status and personal relationships with co-workers.

78. The mangers at different levels are given specific functions which
are properly coordinated.
a. Resources
b. Locations
c. Functions

79. Instructions Leader is the sole decision maker in Authoritarian.
80. Members brainstorm and share ideas, talk over the matters, make and
then implement the agreed decision in type of Group decision.
82. Belief bias – making decisions based on a routine knowledge
Hindsight bias – to see event as inevitable once it occurs
82. The mental process of making a wise judgment focusing on personal
conviction and actions is called Critical Thinking Skills.
83. Include the day-to-day operations of the org are called Operational Plans
84. Good to great leaders confront the most brutal facts of their current
reality, with absolute faith that they will prevail in the end.
85. Creates superb results, a clear catalyst in the transition from good to great
86. Action is the means, or specific activities, that are planned to achieve the

87. Planning Process of thinking about and organizing the activities required
to achieve a desired goal.
88. The alternatives are compared to each other against a set criteria for
selecting the most probable and beneficial option.
89. Creativity Process of generating new ideas, views and systems to solve
problems and arrive at decisions efficiently
90. Level 5 leaders look out the window to appropriate credit to
factors outside themselves when things go well.
91. Contingent Decisions – Decisions that were already identified but were
set aside until the suitable conditions are available/ met with.


92. As a science, decision-making requires knowledge of method, and rule
or principle concerning the issue or problem.
93. Strategic plans: Made by top managers.
94. Operational plan specifically define necessary decisions and actions to
be taken by functional departments.
95. Paradox Named after Admiral James Stockdale, winner of the Medal of
honor who survived for 7 years in a Viet Cong POW camp by holding on
to two contradictory beliefs .
96. The leadership level immediately below the level 5 leadership is called
effective leader and works towards reinforcing followers commitment to a
compelling vision.
97. The process of selecting one alternative from among a number of
alternatives available is called Decision Making .

98. It is always difficult to take a quick decision on a sensitive issue.
99. The paradox relates with holding the combination of complementary
in level 5 leaders.
100. In level 5 leader They will go everything they can to make sure the
company will succeed after them by appointing a successor with their
same characteristics.

EDU602 Current Quiz 2023

1. ——— Skills are frequently considered to be planning, controlling and
2. Those you are leading bring their own unique gifts to the situation, and are
3. The managers at different levels are given specific ____ which are properly
4. When individuals do not have the knowledge or skills to do the job , the
leaders have to be ____oriented.
5. Those organizations will survive and flourish which have _____.
Change leaders
6. Neo-classical school of management relates to _____.


7. A leader must understand his own ___as he also brings unique gifts to his
role as leader.
8. The core ideas of ____ schools of management include application of
science to practice of management.
9. The _____ creates a “community of shared values”.
10. According to Fayol _____ need specific roles in order to manage work and
11. Results are used to improve both individual student’s performance and

12. Every ______ must understand that when an organizational goal is
achieved it leads to fulfillment of their personal needs.
13. The person responsible for supervising the use of an organization’s
resources in fulfillment of the organization.

14. _______ Skills are defined as providing vision and strategy , as well as leading
transformational change .
15. Teachers at effective schools genuinely believe that every kid has the raw
materials to be a successful.
16. The effective school practices that the principal is the ______.
Leader of leaders
17. Specific skills required to perform a particular type of work or occupation at a
high levels
Historical skills
1. —— Major theories have emerged from a range of views on leadership.
• 2
• 3

• 4
• 5

Educational Leadership and Management (EDU 602) 2020


2. The effective school allocates and protects a significant amount of —- for
instruction of the essential curricular areas.
• Space

• Money
• Time
• Personnel
3. If anything goes wrong them it will be —– who will ask the question in what
and why as s/he answer the higher ups.
• Manager

• Leader
• Organizer
• In vice versa
4. Which type of school successfully achieves the target set by the stakeholders
by showing high grades and good result in exams?

• Good school

• Effective school
• Private school
• Public school
5. The basic component of effective school include

• Peaceful and quite corridor
• Collegial & collaborative staff
• Clean & committed environment
• All of the above
6. Leadership is strictly a —– centered work. The role of a leader is to get others
to achieve an objective willingly.

• People
• Self
• Group
• Leader

Articulation and——— of specific principle of management are the core ideas
of the classical school of management.

• Circulation
• Publication
• Application
• Admiration
8. The new leadership approach includes charismatic and —— leadership.

• International
• Transformational

• Professional
• Organizational

9. Which option of the following is the set of research based characteristics of a
school’s climate associated with improved and better student learning?
• Correlates
• Effectiveness
• Efficiency
• Success
10. Leaders who are people oriented will increase employee satisfaction and
performance when —-
• Subordinates experience excessive pressure
11. The ability to understand alter, lead and control the behavior of others
individuals and groups.
• Conceptual skills

• Human skills

• Technical skills
• Job-specific skills
12. A leader cannot lead in a way that is not————. Followers will see right
through and will not find what they need in him as a leader.

• Durable
• Natural
• Forthright
• Transparent

13. The leader has to be practical and —–, yet must talk the language of the

• Realist
• Idealist
• Optimist
• Romantic
14. In ——– approach knowledge effectiveness is to do with how the leader

• Contingency
• Style
• New leadership
• Trait
15. Leaders give solution while the —-create action plans.

• Managers
• Teachers

Educational Leadership and Management (EDU 602) 2020

• Administrators
• Supervisor
16. A measure of how efficiently and effectively mangers use available resources
in an organization.
• Efficiency
• Performance
• Effectiveness
• Achievements
17. Understanding what is needed in term of human and other resources, to
achieve success and developing the plan to achieve
• Position
• Strategy
• Situation
• Planning


18. Leadership is the process by which a person influence other to accomplish—–

• Role
• Procedure
• Activity

• Objective
19. Modern, classical, Neo classical are schools of ——
• Drama
• Language
• Management
• Literature
20. The leader is an ——–and the manger is an administrator.
• Creator
• Visionary
• Designer
• Planner
21. The principle can make a mission effective by being —–and energetic in
sharing her vision with faculty.
• Flexible
• Accommodative
• Persistent
• Correct

22. Modern school of management is about—–.
• Process

Educational Leadership and Management (EDU 602) 2020

• People
• Integrative
• Environment
23. ——- Management theory is also known as the human relation movement.
• Behavioral
• Classical
• Bureaucratic
• Scientific

24. Manager chooses the right goals to pursue, but does a poor job using resources
to achieve these goals.
• Low efficiency/ high effectiveness
• High efficiency /high effectiveness

• Low efficiency / low effectiveness
• High efficiency / low effectiveness
25. Student must feel ——-in their school community so that their energies can be
applied to learning.
• Secure
• Energized

• Pressurized
• Compelled
26. A leader cannot lead in a way that is not——-.Followers will see right through
and will not find what they need in him as a leader.
• Durable
• Natural

• Forthright
• Transparent
27. ——-skills are frequently considered to be planning, controlling and
• Management
• Managerial

• Leadership
• Supervisor

28. —- Theories imply that leaders can be trained.
• Behavioral
• Scientific

• System

• Information
29. The new classical thoughts stressed upon —— of jobs, processes and
technologies to maximize economic yield.

• Administration
• Managements
• Stabilization
• Standardization
30. Leadership strictly a —— centered work. The role of a leader is to get others
to achieve an objective willingly.

• People
• Self
• Group

31. The plans that directly support the implementation of strategic plans are
called tactical plans.
32. Cognitive biases the individual’s thinking patterns based on his/ her
observations and conclusions that may sometimes lead to false
assumptions, wrong judgments, and faulty reasoning.
33. Planning process of setting goals and courses of action, developing rules
and procedures, and forecasting future outcomes.
33. Goal: A specific result to be achieved; the end result of a plan.
34. There are three levels of plans.
35. In the processing phase, we determine alternatives & evaluate for best
36. Group decisions are also known as consensus.
37. When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is

38. Manager chooses inappropriate goals to pursue, but make good use of
resources to achieve these goals high efficiency and high effectiveness.
39. Job enlargement increases the variety of tasks a job includes
40. There are three types of organizational control.
1. Feed-forward 2. Concurrent 3. Feedback
41. Managers need to measure progress, offer feedback and direct their teams to
42. Regulatory process that directs the activities of an organization to achieve

anticipated goals and standards. Management control.
43. Input Standards measure work efforts that go into a performance task.
44. Storming characterized by competition and strained relationships among
team members.
45. Motivation is the drives within a person that account for the degree, direction and persistence of the effort spent at work

46. Budgeting is more of a bargaining game to acquire additional funding
and less of a planning tool.
47. The group formed by an organization to accomplish narrow range of
purposes within a specified time are formal groups.
48. The manager’s primary tool for determining whether instructions have been
understood and accepted is: feedback.

  1. There are two ways of Comparing Results with Objectives and

Standards. Historical / relative and benchmarking

  1. Jeffery inspires leaders to seek power through evidence-based management.


Q.1.According to Burke and………….. (2004) management is now based around knowledge workers

And. Cooper 

Q.2. In the levels of management the supervisor belong to the.

Ans. lower level 

Q.3.collengial and collaborative staff clean committed environment are the basic component of school ————

Ans. Effictive 

Q.4.leaders carries out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and

skills .This is called. ………. Leadership

Ans. Process 

Q.5.A mnemonic for leadership is person, people and………..

Ans. Purpose 

Q.6. In………….. approach, leadership effectiveness is to do with how the leader behaves.

Ans .contingency. 

Q.7 .Bryman (1992) splits leadership research into ————- decades.

Ans .4 which theory we transform inputs into outputs and receive feedback. ?

Ans .System management 

Q.9.choosing to “less from ———” is the only way to create to optimal chance for leadership success.

Ans .strength