EDU430 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term

EDU430 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term . Aslam u Alaikum dear students. If you are looking for EDU430 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term file? Then you are visiting the right website. I provided the perfect solution here according to my efforts. If there is any mistake then please correct it before submitting the VULMS account and before midterm and final term exams preparation .Thanks



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    EDU430 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term


    For example, it defines it for a student what data will be stored in terms of student attributes and also defines how different values ​​for these attributes will be stored also tells who it is allowed to make changes to the database and what changes he can make etc. These details give us an internal schema and are called intention database.

    The intent for the database is almost permanent because while when designing the database, it is ensured that no information is left behind important enough to be stored in a database and what information is important to be stored in the database for future reference. Once the database intent is defined, it is undesirable change intention for any reason. Because any small change of intention
    the database may require many changes to be made to the data stored in the

    Database expansion is done on a complete basis intent, i.e. once the database is defined, it is populated with data the organization for which the database is created. This population database is also called database extension. There is always an extension carried out according to the rules defined in the draft internal scheme or plan database. Effects of changes made at different levels of the database architecture:

    We can make changes at different levels of the database, but these changes need very serious consideration before they are made, Changes in various levels of database architecture require different levels of user attention for example, a data change made to expand data will only affect aone record whereas when we make a change at the internal level.


    EDU430 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term

  • EDU430 Short Notes PDF – DOWNLOAD