EDU403 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term

EDU403 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term . Aslam u Alaikum dear students. If you are looking for EDU403 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term file? Then you are visiting the right website. I provided the perfect solution here according to my efforts. If there is any mistake then please correct it before submitting the VULMS account and before midterm and final term exams preparation .Thanks



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EDU403 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term
EDU403 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term


The requirements of a specific user, for this user they do not need to change, we can create a change of a specific external view of a given user and an internal one details remain unchanged. Also if we want to change the base storage we can do this without affecting the mechanism of the data stored on the disk an internal and conceptual view of the lowest level in the three levels of architecture is the interior view or interior level that is shown below in the diagram and is illustrated on the following lines.

Giant. 1: Three-level database architecture
Schemes as already defined; is the repository used for storage the definition of the structures used in the database, it can be anything from any entity to the entire organization. For this purpose, the architecture defines various schemas stored at different levels to isolate the details of one level from another. Database Management System (CS403) VU

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34 There are different levels at different levels of database architecture expressed below with emphasis on the details of each level individually. At the heart of the database architecture is the internal schema level, which is
to discuss a bit before we get into the details of each level individually. The the inner layer implements all the inner details and defines the intents database. An internal schema or view defines data structures and more
activities related to data in the database.

For example, it defines it for a student what data will be stored in terms of student attributes and also defines
how different values ​​for these attributes will be stored also tells who it is allowed to make changes to the database and what changes he can make etc.


EDU403 Short Notes for Final Term and Mid Term