CS502 Short Notes for Final Term

CS502 Short Notes for Final Term. Aslam u Alaikum dear students. If you are looking for CS502 Short Notes for Final Term file? Then you are visiting the right website. I provided the perfect solution here according to my efforts. If there is any mistake then please correct it before submitting the VULMS account and before midterm and final term exams preparation. Thanks



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    CS502 Short Notes for Final Term

    If we consider the data in the above image without associated names or labels data (Emp Name, Age, Salary), then it’s not very useful. However, after applying these designations bring certain meanings to us, this meaningfulness is further enhanced when we associate some other labels like company name and department name etc. So this is a very simple example of the processing we can do with the data information.

    Once we have a clear idea of ​​what the data and information is, we proceed to the next term known as a “schema” A schema is a repository or structure for expressing format and more various information about data and database as we can see from database definition “A database is a self-describing collection of interrelated records.” Word of self description means that the data storage and retrieval mechanism and its format is described in the database, The actual place where these definitions and descriptions are
    the database schema is executed.

    O Database application:
    A database application is a program or group of programs that is used to perform certain operations with data stored in the database. These operations may include inserting data into the database or removing some data from the database based on a under certain conditions, updating data in the database, producing data as output on any device such as a screen, disk, or printer.

    o Database management systems:
    A database management system is a software collection of small programs to execute
    certain data operations and data management.
    The two basic operations performed by a DBMS are:
    • Data management in the database
    • Management of users connected to the database.

    CS502 Short Notes for Final Term

    • CS502 Short Notes Final Term File – DOWNLOAD