cs501 midterm solved papers by moaaz

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cs501 midterm solved papers by moaaz

FALSIM Features:

Select Meeting File: It is marked “1” in Figure 1, this feature enables the user
select the FALCON-A meeting file and open it for merger processing.
Assembler Options: Label “2” on Figure 1.
• Print Symbol Table
This feature when selected writes Symbol Table (generated after the creation of
over 1 link) in the extended FALCON-A list file (.lstfa). Symbol table includes data members, data addresses and labels with their numbers are reasonable.
• Printing Teaching Table

This feature when selected writes the Tutorial Table in the FALCON-A list file with
extension of (.lstfa). File List: Labeled as “3”, in Figure 1, the list list feature provides a detailed understanding of the FALCON-A listing file, which is produced as a result of making 1 and 2-pass. Displays Counter Program value in hexadecimal and decimal
formats and machine code designed for all lines of assembly code.
These figures are printed when the second pass is completed.
Error Log: Error Log is marked “4” in Figure 1. Inform the user about errors and their details, which occur in any transaction to combine.
Search: The search is marked “5” in Figure 1 and helps the user to search for input matches for “whole match” and “match any” search options parts of the cord. Search also has an on / off test option it is considered “sensitivity to guilt”. Search the location of the file list and highlight the file for search results using yellow color. It also shows the total number of games found.

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Start Simulator: This feature has a “6” label on Figure 1. FALCON-A The Simulator works using the FALCON-A Assembler’s Start Simulator option. The FALCON-A Simulator requested by a user from FALCON-A Assembler. Its Features have the following details:
Upload Binary File: The “11” button on Figure 6, allows the user to select then open the FALCON-A binary file with the extension (.binfa). Where the file is uploaded to the simulator the whole register, constants (if any) and memory values set.


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