CS501 Assignment 2 Solution 2024

CS501 Assignment 2 Solution 2024. Are you a computer science student who’s currently enrolled in CS501 at a renowned university and looking for the solution to Assignment 2? If yes, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide to solve CS501 Assignment 2 2024. We’ll cover all the aspects of the assignment, including the requirements, solution, and its implementation. So, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Solution
  • Implementation
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


CS501 is a course offered in computer science that focuses on digital logic and computer organization. The course is aimed at providing students with an understanding of the fundamental principles of computer architecture, which includes topics like digital logic design, assembly language programming, and computer organization.

CS501 Assignment 2 Solution requires students to design a combinational circuit that takes a 4-bit binary input and generates a 3-bit binary output. The output bits represent the maximum value of the input bits, and the circuit should be designed using basic logic gates. In the following sections, we’ll discuss the requirements, solution, and implementation of this assignment.


To solve CS501 Assignment 2, you’ll need to have a clear understanding of the following concepts:

  • Digital logic gates (AND, OR, NOT)
  • Combinational circuits
  • Binary arithmetic (2’s complement representation)

You’ll also need to have access to software tools like Proteus or Multisim, which are used for simulating and testing digital circuits.


To design the combinational circuit required for CS501 Assignment 2, we’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Take a 4-bit binary input (A3, A2, A1, A0)
  2. Find the maximum value of the input bits
  3. Convert the maximum value to binary (3 bits)
  4. Output the binary value as the circuit’s output (B2, B1, B0)

To find the maximum value of the input bits, we’ll need to compare each bit to the others and select the largest one. We can do this by using a series of AND OR gates as follows:

  • AND gate 1: A3 AND NOT A2 AND NOT A1 AND NOT A0
  • AND gate 2: NOT A3 AND A2 AND NOT A1 AND NOT A0
  • AND gate 3: NOT A3 AND NOT A2 AND A1 AND NOT A0
  • AND gate 4: NOT A3 AND NOT A2 AND NOT A1 AND A0

These gates will compare each possible combination of the input bits and output 1 if the combination is the maximum value. We can then use OR gates to combine the outputs of these AND gates and generate a single output signal that indicates the maximum value.

To convert the maximum value to binary, we’ll need to use a series of NOT and AND gates to invert the non-significant bits and AND them with the significant bits. We can then use the resulting signals as the output of the circuit.


To implement the solution for CS501 Assignment 2, we’ll need to use a software tool like Proteus or Multisim to simulate and test our circuit. We can follow these steps to create the circuit:

  1. Open the software tool and create a new project
  2. Add a 4-bit binary input and name the bits A3, A2, A1, A0
  3. Add a 3-bit binary output and name the bits B2, B1, B0
  4. Add the necessary logic gates (AND, OR, NOT) to implement the solution

Sorry about that. Here’s the continuation of the article:

  1. Connect the gates to create the circuit as described in the solution section
  2. Simulate the circuit to test its functionality
  3. If the circuit passes the simulation test, you can consider it a successful solution to the assignment.


In conclusion, CS501 Assignment 2 Solution is a combinational circuit design task that requires students to design a circuit that takes a 4-bit binary input and generates a 3-bit binary output representing the maximum value of the input bits. To solve this assignment, students need to have a clear understanding of digital logic gates, combinational circuits, and binary arithmetic. Using software tools like Proteus or Multisim can make it easier for students to simulate and test their circuits.


  1. Can I use any software tool to implement my circuit for CS501 Assignment 2 Solution?
  • Yes, you can use any software tool that you’re familiar with, as long as it allows you to simulate and test your circuit.
  1. Do I need to show the steps involved in solving CS501 Assignment 2 Solution in my submission?
  • Yes, it’s important to show the steps involved in your circuit design to demonstrate your understanding of the course material.
  1. What happens if my circuit fails the simulation test?
  • If your circuit fails the simulation test, you’ll need to identify the problem areas and make the necessary changes to your design.
  1. Is it possible to design the circuit using only NAND or NOR gates?
  • Yes, it’s possible to design the circuit using only NAND or NOR gates, but it may not be the most efficient way to do so.
  1. Can I get help from my classmates or online resources to solve CS501 Assignment 2?
  • It’s okay to seek help from your classmates or online resources, but you should make sure that you understand the solutions and avoid plagiarism.